
St Clements Institute (SCI)

St Clements Institute work with its global partners to offer a limited number of Tuition Scholarship opportunities for Cambodian students. There are a limited number of positions available for the below scholarships, please e-mail or Tel: 015 79 81 83/092 92 37 45 for more details.

Management Excellence Scholarship

Do you have the potential to be a future leader? If you would like to enhance your leadership and management skills and join the the Institute of Management Specialists (UK) growing international network, consider applying for the Management Excellence Scholarship. The scholarships offer not only financial support (50% of tuition fees for the first two years will be paid for by the Institute), but the opportunity to become part of an influential highly regarded global network.

At the completion of the second year of their studies scholarship students will be able to apply to the Institute of Management Specialists (IMS) to have their course work assessed and be awarded a UK Associate Diploma in Management, Finance or Hospitality from the IMS, and be able to upgrade their IMS membership level to Associate Members.

The IMS aims to attract talented professionals who are potential leaders, decision makers and opinion formers. Students in the following programs are to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Scholarship students must:

  • have 90% attendance in all classes
  • maintain at least a GPA of 3.0 for each term
  • observe all rules and regulations of the Institute, including respect of the Student Code of Conduct
  • participate in Institute’s activities, such as conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.,from time to time

Scholastic Aptitude Scholarships

As part of its focus on local community development in Cambodia, St Clements Institute offer a Scholastic Aptitude Scholarship. These are for students who did well in school, but are from families that cannot afford their continuing education; and who are fully committed to learning and furthering themselves.

These Scholarships cover 50% of the tuition. There are certain conditions which the students must meet in order to continue receiving a Scholastic Aptitude Scholarship.

They must:

  • have 80% attendance in all classes
  • maintain at least a GPA of 2.5 for each term
  • observe all rules and regulations of the Institute, including respect of the Student Code of Conduct
  • participate in Institute’s activities, such as conferences, seminars, meetings, etc., from time to time; and
  • be willing to volunteer time or participate in the internship program of the Institute.
School Name
St Clements Institute (SCI)
Telephone Number

+855 15 798 183
+855 92 923 745

Street Address
#2D, Street 371 (Solar)
Khan Mean Chey
Phnom Penh